Introducing Go Pollock Premium

go pollock premium

Santa Monica, CA (February 21, 2018): Pollock Technologies, today, announced a new Premium plan addition to their flagship product Go Pollock. This Premium plan includes features such as auto-grading, detailed excel exports with individual student scores and answers, and the ability to launch Sessions for classes larger than 40 students. In order to sustain revenue and continue building new features and products, the company has introduced a subscription plan that includes premium features to help educators save time on preparing and analyzing their lessons so they can focus on spending more time delivering the best teaching method possible.

“Go Pollock Premium is a huge step towards our future goals of providing more detailed and time-saving features,” says one of Pollock Technologies’ Founders Valentin Ruest. “The addition of these premium features, like auto-grading and detailed excel exports, will allow teachers to save time on calculating data, giving them more time to focus on teaching and interacting with the class.”

Learn more about Go Pollock Premium here.

About Pollock Technologies: Pollock Technologies, Inc. is a software creation company based in Santa Monica, CA. Founded in 2016, Pollock Technologies, Inc. focuses on the world of digital education with the vision of bringing harmony between the educator and the student in a complex learning environment. The company’s flagship product, Classtime (formerly Go Pollock), is a solution for teachers that complements in-class teaching with immediate feedback on students’ level of understanding.